Lit by Lauren Green 11th October 2011
Hello my little prince, Auntie Lauren here, Just wanted you to know that i miss you so much and i dream of you all the time, nearly every night i see you, i wish i could cuddle you again and give you a big kiss. and take you to the park again with your big sister grace, but i no one day i will get to hold and see you again, so untill then we both have to just keep meeting in my dreams, i could keep writing to you all night as auntie lozza dont shut up :-) but i better let you sleep. we all miss you and love you dearly...forever in our hearts Archie boy.. Mwah.... please remember i love you lots. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This candle was first lit on the 11th of October 2011 and will burn for 86 years and 9 months.